“The Millionaire Matchmaker” star Patti Stanger starts criticizing the gays on Monday and after Bravo apologizes for her comments, she keeps the comments flowing on Tuesday, as well. While on Joy Behar’s HLN, the reality star says that gay men, unlike gay women, aren’t actually even remotely interested in marriage and she is trying to curb them.
“The gay men, they whip it out at eye lock! They get involved, and then find out later whether or not they want a serious relationship”, Patti Stanger stated on Tuesday during Joy Behar’s show. This, in comparison to the lesbians, who are more involved. Stanger says that women really want to keep the romance going, they move in together and they are “quiet” and “at peace”. Earlier in the conversation she mentioned she had talked to a friend of hers, designer Marc Bouwer, who told her “Patti, this is what it's like around the country. This is the gay community!" To that, she responded that she was going to try and curb them.
Stanger started firing anti-gay comments on Monday during Andy Cohen’s “Watch What Happens Live”, where she said “I have tried to curb 'you people”. Later on Bravo apologized for her potty mouth and Stanger released an apology herself. But today, she went on with the same ideas and when Behar told her it was this that got her into trouble in the first place a day before, she apologized again saying that she is one of the greatest supporters of the gay rights.
The gay community isn’t the only one offended on Monday. Patti Stanger picked on Jewish people as well, commenting on one of the nastiest behaviors that Jewish men have. “Jewish men lie”, she said, and for that she did not apologize, nor has commented upon it yet.
“The gay men, they whip it out at eye lock! They get involved, and then find out later whether or not they want a serious relationship”, Patti Stanger stated on Tuesday during Joy Behar’s show. This, in comparison to the lesbians, who are more involved. Stanger says that women really want to keep the romance going, they move in together and they are “quiet” and “at peace”. Earlier in the conversation she mentioned she had talked to a friend of hers, designer Marc Bouwer, who told her “Patti, this is what it's like around the country. This is the gay community!" To that, she responded that she was going to try and curb them.
Stanger started firing anti-gay comments on Monday during Andy Cohen’s “Watch What Happens Live”, where she said “I have tried to curb 'you people”. Later on Bravo apologized for her potty mouth and Stanger released an apology herself. But today, she went on with the same ideas and when Behar told her it was this that got her into trouble in the first place a day before, she apologized again saying that she is one of the greatest supporters of the gay rights.
The gay community isn’t the only one offended on Monday. Patti Stanger picked on Jewish people as well, commenting on one of the nastiest behaviors that Jewish men have. “Jewish men lie”, she said, and for that she did not apologize, nor has commented upon it yet.
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