Monday, December 6, 2010

Soar Throat Hurts More At Night

"Better safe" with Ramón Sánchez Ocaña

Do you remember this program presented by Ramón Sánchez Ocaña? It was a program that will teach basics of health and first aid.

Through a cartoon and a few cartoons, taught the English how to cure a burn, how to bandage a hand, what they were for specific medications, etc.

also insisted much on food and what foods were healthier and what not. He was among the first programs to raise awareness of the benefits of the "Mediterranean diet." The mothers saw their children based supercharged Nocilla slices or sandwiches with sausage Tulip got too chubby. This program gave some a little more healthy alternative but much more boring.

remember that I liked a lot because mixing cartoons with explanations. You learned a lot watching it. But to understand a little, self-medication until there is only one step. And my mother crossed with ease. I did all the potions that appeared on that program because if you said Mr. Ramon, could not hurt. The thin red line of excess of vitamins, Ceregumil scoops of royal jelly vials, was continually cross my house.

The times that my mother weighed and measured me because the program appeared tables of weights and measures suitable for children ... The truth is that it started to be a bit annoying the whole story. I guess kids today suffer in their flesh the same martyrdom through Torreiglesias and "Learn to Live", which is a bit the heir to that tradition.

Another time I remember being irritated eye (I've always had hay fever) and my mother had heard it was good to put a slice of potato. Then there was me all afternoon sitting on the couch with a good fat slice of raw potato placed on the eye. The truth is that I became irritated, but I think it was by the miraculous properties of this tuber.

Ramón Sánchez Ocaña rose to fame with that program and, at least me, every time I see him on TV pro, I identify with "Prevention is better." The poor man was typecast and many other things he did, his image is inseparable from that program. By the way ... is that not a doctor! Is a journalist specializing in health issues. Do not know why I always thought he was a doctor ... I hope my mother never hears about this, because if I do not think it would take a pretty big disappointment.

For here I leave a couple of videos with images of the program to remember it. In the first show the cartoons to which I referred to earlier, and the second video is how they treat different topics (do not miss as you measure "lean" the lord of the video, hehehehe).

Did you remember this program? Sure ... and probably also those attempts healing you lived by your mother, right?

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