Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Aluminum Travel Trailer Paint

"Choose Your Own Adventure"

This collection of books made me spend hours in my childhood with my nose glued to your pages. The good thing is that they could read over and over again, and then the odd more ... and history was never the same. Always changing.

It was about books in which, after reading a few pages, offered several ways to start building or, as the title indicates well, choosing your own adventure.

When the hero was about to happen any event, footnotes appear you options to move forward or backward depending on how you thought it was going to be better off:

If you want to enter Haunted Castle at night, turn to page 30;
If you prefer a night out and attempting to start the next day, turn to page 45;
If you find around and go home, continued on page 51.

chose an option thought was the right one, but after reading the next page I realized the error, and the hero could end up dead, haunted, or something much worse. Actually these are the few books for kids in which the hero terrible things happen. I remember one called " The cave of time" in which more than varying the choices made, always ended up dead: I ate a dinosaur, I froze in the ice age, I ran, I burned a fire in the Middle Ages ... and even ended up dying once trampled by a horse. What a trauma for a kid of my age, right? Well, no ... the kids really is not traumatized as well as psychologists would have us believe.

course, I always, from my earliest childhood I have been a cheat in all games (what can we do ... cheating and piracy are my two weaknesses.) If you cheated in front of people in other games, imagine it with these books that no one saw me: When there was a crucial decision, put your finger on that page and if I did not like the decision he had taken, returned back and take reading by choosing another option. It sometimes took me back several decision-making behind, so that sometimes ended with all the fingers dialing different pages of the book and I was no longer free to continue reading. Would have seen me red-handed, lol.

I photographed the last three books that remain forgotten on a shelf in the house of my parents. The rest of them that I had (about 15 or so) have lost one of those mysteries that no one will ever succeed in resolving, or if ... (When my mother was tired of cleaning dust off my old room, give my stuff to the neighbors to avoid this torture ...)

All these books were also adventures were told in second person for the reader to mess further into history and it was really to take the decisions. I loved it because I made it and not someone else the only star of these books.

And now finally, I propose an end to this entry in the style of the books of "Choose Your Own Adventure "

"Have you finished reading this post that more or less reminded you of your childhood. I may have liked Having A more or less liked, but surely you had fun for a few minutes and made you exercise your mind and memory, much maligned items today ... What will you do now? "
  • If you decide to leave a message in this post, it goes to contact form.
  • continue reading If you prefer another different input , goes to the blog archive.
  • If consider that you have read enough for today, history has come to an end.
elect What option? As I was a kid, you can cheat and retrace the path taken if any of the options does not suit you enough ...

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