I recently discovered a link exchange with other blogs by friends including favicon in the blog and I have decided to participate. I've heard of such a system in places where I have learned so much and without whom this blog would not be what it is: The Showcase Rosa City and Blogger.
That what is a favicon? few days ago I did not know. It is an icon that identifies each blog. This favicon appears both in the address bar and in each tab of your browser. In my case I added a "Y" blue, as it is the letter that begins the name of the blog (I was born in the twentieth century). This favicon should define the blog because it will be a representative picture. Following this advice, mine is not a single letter, if not hiding something behind ("" Remember the condenser Fluzo ???).
Well, at the foot of the blog, just before the hit counters, I have placed a faviconera.
What what a faviconera? This is a space for blogs those interested can host your favicon as though it were a graphic link. In my case it is a linear faviconera.
This has many reciprocal benefits.
what advantages What are these? Firstly it is free advertising for your blog, since each favicon has a link to your homepage. Second, get your blog a link to improve your stats in Google. It is also a way to meet other bloggers to exchange ideas, comments, etc.
how What You place your favicon in my faviconera? Easy. Only you have to contact me with a comment on this post or through email (yonacienelsigloxx@ymail.com) and provide data link, which took my blog as an example, will be something like:
- Name blog: I was born in the twentieth century
- blog url: http://yonacienelsigloxx.blogspot.com
- favicon url: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7CEghmHxCac/TOe9NvXo_1I/AAAAAAAAArI/iR_KMem6qAo/ s1600/Favicon + Fluzo.gif Only
must meet several requirements as your favicon has a size of 16 x 16 pixels and that your blog does not contain any unlawful, pornographic, racist or sexist.
What I ask in return to include your favicon in my blog? Absolutely nothing. However, would appreciate a link to my blog from your site or in your own faviconera in your blogroll, adding a link button, or you consideréis free time. If you still include you in my blog, you consider that you should not link back to yours ... Well, nothing happens at all, but I hope in the desire for cooperation and collaboration among bloggers.
Encourage them to participate ... Benefits us all!
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