Friday, November 26, 2010

Play Rosetta St Rsd Files

mythical advertising Tulip and the helicopter never

How many school playgrounds will be flown this helicopter in the early 80 ...? Probably dozens of them, cheering the morning to hundreds of children running with outstretched arms to receive (Or at least that's what I thought when I was a buck that I believed everything they said on TV).

It was an advertising campaign Tulip became fashionable and was highly successful. Supposedly, the helicopter arrived at a school or a sports hall full of kids and mothers and children were offered sandwiches to the Tulip tested and should say they were great. They also interviewed the mothers, who never tired of repeating that his children were strong and happy since it was snacking Tulip enriched with vitamins A, D and E.

When I was a kid I believed this at face value and always had the dream and hope that the helicopter Tulip chose my school and landed in the middle of the courtyard. Obviously this never happened ... The truth is that everything was ready: Children and mothers were actors and actresses and it was all staged. Surely it was just a publicity stunt and the helicopter never existed beyond a simple decor. But then, in my childish imagination was not thinking about the fact that a helicopter landed in a crowd was really impossible (because of the danger of decapitation child, among other things ...).

Tulip helicopter fiasco is one of the great disappointments of my childhood ... How many false things we will set our hopes when we were kids?? Is that we spent deceived by children everywhere!

Here you have a couple of videos of the ad so you can see how false are the lies of the children when they say "It is absolutely delicious .. I could eat five !!!". How would you get to the mother of this kid to make him say these things??

I recently read an article in the online edition of the magazine El Jueves made me burst out laughing. They did a mock interview the pilot of the helicopter today must have been about 70 years and was already retired. In this parody, the pilot has their suffering to the land between the kids and as the anxiety of being recognized led to an addiction to whiskey made him think of even in Japanese kamikaze style jump on the happy kids whose cries can still remember their worst nightmares ... The article is hilarious (or at least I thought so when I read it, lol). Worth reading. This is the link.

Besides commercial and helicopter campaign, the truth is that the tulip was present in my sandwiches and the whole of Spain. Any sandwich (sausage, salami or whatever) is smeared a good layer of this margarine supervitaminada. In theory they sold as an alternative to animal butter, so that was supposedly healthier and made us grow stronger and develop properly. The reality was that it was full of pure fat thickeners, derived from plants, that yes ... A whole generation hermosotes chubby child and have to thank her difficult childhood to the product as "healthy."

me I not only ate it on sandwiches ... I also had slices of Tulips well, nothing more. And my mother was so calm because as vitamins A, D and E, because there was nothing ... today do not know how I could eat those slices that was actually bread spread with a paste rather tasteless soda.

I hope not too many myths children have fallen to this post ... But this is one of my childhood trauma and it was time to bring it up (writing a blog is cheaper than going to a psychologist, hehehe).

thought not to, but I could not resist ... I have to mention the parody Thirteen Tuesday and made this announcement. I leave the video and judge for yourselves. I think even better than the original listing! ;)

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