Meanwhile, the Sun recently reported the alleged details of the couple's divorce terms. The British paper echoed previous reports, claiming that Nordegren could receive as much as $750 million. Additionally, the newspaper claims that Woods will only be able to introduce his children to a new woman if the two have married. In exchange, Nordegren will be permanently barred from talking about Woods's affairs -- in any medium.
The Sun also reports that Nordegren will get full physical custody of the children, but the couple will split legal custody, which would prevent Nordegren and the children's rumored move to Sweden, where she owns a secluded home.
In an interview on Wednesday, Woods said he would be "up front and honest" when describing his sex scandal with his children. (Scroll down for video from the interview.) He also likened his troubles to his own father's alleged personal failures. He begins play at the AT&T National -- endorsed by a sponsor who dropped him during his downfall - on Thursday.
UPDATE: TMZ reports that Woods "will be a single man by the end of day tomorrow" and claims that the $750 million settlement figure is inaccurate. Click here for their full story.
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