Friday, October 7, 2011


Bump of 20% shares of Sprint Nextel

The U.S. operator Sprint Nextel mobile phone, which has come to shoot over 11% in the New York Stock Exchange on the first day that supports Apple iPhone orders, radically changes the trend and closed down after admitting 20% you need to raise more funds.

After a strong push at the start of the day on Wall Street, shares of the operator are passed into negative territory toward the Ecuador of the session and lost 6%. Now the cut is even greater, and the titles of the company a 19.93% yield. So far this year accumulated more than 30% decline.

This radical change in trend occurred shortly after Sprint CEO Dan Hesse , said at a conference in New York that the company needs to raise funds in the markets.

Thus, the company stock price fell, although Sprint Nextel today for the first time allowed customers to place orders to purchase the popular Apple phone, the new iPhone4S , which starts selling from next October 14 from 99, $ 99 unlimited data plans.

Sprint, with about 52 million customers thus becomes the third operator to market the iPhone in the U.S., after Verizon, the largest, with 106 million customers, began offering in February, ending the monopoly I had since 2007 AT & T, the second with almost 99 million customers.

The initial advance of the shares of Sprint had occurred after the company's CEO, Dan Hesse, ensure at the same conference that the marketing of the iPhone will be "very beneficial" for the results of the company.

The head of Sprint was done to allay doubts about the impact it can have on their accounts the purchase of the popular phone on Tuesday after the newspaper The Wall Street Journal reported that the operator has committed to purchase 30.5 million of these devices by about 20,000 billion, an operation that will not be profitable until 2014.

For its part, the other two companies that sell the iPhone in the U.S., Verizon and AT & T, recorded at this time moderate increase of 0.84% ​​and 0.08% respectively.

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