Friday, October 7, 2011


Citizens bank quarter occupy

With "Frankfurt Occupy" is a movement afoot to protest against the power of the financial world

In Frankfurt, formed just a movement in the United States has its origins, there only a few weeks old and this past weekend with a big demonstration for the first time drew the attention of world public opinion to themselves because the police as a result, hundreds of protesters in the Wall Street has been arrested.

Wall Street is not just an address in New York. Wall Street is the symbol of the financial world - and, more recently, for the financial crisis. "Occupy Wall Street" ("Busy Wall Street") is the response of American citizens to it. The loosely organized movement denounces the social inequality in the U.S. and looks at the 99 percent of the population, "which will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of one percent of the population," as they say in statements of the group. The criticism is directed against a too strong influence of the richest Americans on politics and legislation, as well as a bank-and business-friendly policies.Through a peaceful, long-term occupation of Wall Street, the activists want to arrange for appropriate policy changes.

ECB in sight

Frankfurt is at the national symbols such as the European financial sector is not just poor. The financial district with representative buildings, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the emerging new stand for many seems increasingly to the impotence of politics to the omnipotence of finance.

In Frankfurt's financial district will soon be "against the corrupt system" will be demonstrated under the slogan "Occupy Frankfurt". You need to call on the Internet, the collective "Anonymous" on. In a video, it turns the following to the public. "People are starting in the world to realize so slowly that they are the only ones on this planet who can do something about the financial crisis, no politician in the world it creates its own power to resist the forces of madness, and many also want to not because they are afraid of change, "said the message.

Wall Street model

Why should people in this country following the example of New York "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators, the 17th since theSeptember protest, and despite many resistors, go on the road. Emphasized, is that you are planning a peaceful protest. "It's time to show the system, whose vote counts, your voice," it says in the video.

On Facebook

In the social network Facebook is "Occupy Frankfurt" represented recently. Nearly 1,100 people have expressed using "Like" function sympathy for the young movement.It is not necessarily the troublemakers, whiners and professional spinners, who join the movement, but a remarkable number of representatives of the middle class, are not uncommon among them economists. You want to make clear that they do not want to pay for the mistakes of the Finance and policy makers. In the U.S., even celebrities like to express the filmmaker Michael Moore openly their sympathy for the new movement.

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