Thursday, October 6, 2011

International footy - I can take it, but mostly I can leave it

Do I like this ... Not a lot
Tomorrow Wales will take on Switzerland in a Euro 2012 Qualifier, and won't be rushing down to the Swansea Liberty Stadium or fighting the wife for the TV remote, she can watch her soap operas. I will probably watch the BBC live game videprinter to check the score while doing other things on the internet.

I may listen to the game via the internet to drowned out the soap chatter coming from the other side of the living room. Come 9pm, I could flick the TV over and catch the end of the game.

I have never been a great Welsh International football fan I find it interferes with my true love - Cardiff City Football Club. Don't get me wrong I wanted them to win and would love to see them quantify for something one day. Has a youngest I did the old Home International stuff because then it was an end of season competition no interference with the league season. There were no international breaks back then either most internationals were played mid-week and the odd Saturday. Never get me on the subject of international friendlies as I could blow a blood vessel even out of season they get right up my back. I can't understand why I feel like this.

I'm a proud Welshman, honestly who loves his country and football that enjoys Welsh success in any sport.
I have to make a statement here ... I hate Rugby Union internationally or club from the top to the bottom and I just don't care if they win/lose or draw actually I do, I hope they lose.

I suppose I am more interested if they play the likes of England, but only as an armchair fan and I would take the remote control off the wife for that game or another of the world top teams. The last time my hand went in my pocket and paid to watch Wales play was against Romania's game back in 1993 a game they lost.

I'm almost sure most football fans would rather see their own team doing well than Wales, but it is a British thing asking some foreign fans they see both clubs and country on the same level. Could my opinion change I doubt it, if Wales were to reach Brazil and the 2014 World Cup finals, would that be enough to lift my support to Cardiff City level, again I doubt it, but would lift the spirits of Welsh Football.

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